Sunday, December 18, 2016


If you had known how close you came
To making me forget my name
If you could in a vision see
An alternate reality
Where we all fell, each one by one
Like autumn leaves, our lives succumbed
If you could know the cutting knife
You gave to those whom you gave life
You'd be inclined, I hope and pray
To claim the blame, to change your way,
But not so now. You cannot see
This alternate reality.
Because we fought, because we fight
We won, we win, through Jesus' light
The darkness gone, it cannot stay
For we have love, and come what may
The life we have we will return
A sacrifice, but not to burn,
We will remain, we will proclaim
That Holy, Righteous, Precious Name.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Gift

Lonely Friend

Yesterday I saw the winter
Melting down
Into the spring
And he looked up at me
With his weepy eyes
And said I love you
Please give me one more try

And so I gave it
And he came up again
With whirling snow
And harsh cold winds
It looked like anger
So I began again
To let the spring melt
His cold hard heart

And by this morning
He was almost gone
And I looked down
And said farewell
And he looked up at me
Again with weepy eyes
And said I know it's time
I'll say farewell

It's been the summer
Ive missed winter so
His frosty gaze,
His patient glow
sent him a letter
So he'll came back to me
By touching treetops
The auburn leaves

So in the autumn
He'll surely come again
His heart still cold,
his strength renewed
He'll cast his tendrils
of frost to tree tops
He'll blow
The twirling leaves
To their demise

When I see anger
I will remind the wind,
Which whistles by
And brings the chill
That winters time will end
Just as it did before
And spring will come again
To warm his soul

But on that one day,
The winter calmed himself,
And for me gave
A gentle snow
It settled down upon
Every branch and blade
It's stark white purified
The whole landscape

He is my lonely friend
His life is bitter
But I will stay
Although he's cold
I know his heart has
A seed of greatness
I know his heart has
A seed of love.