We sail away into the deep blue yonder
Appreciate and beauty ponder.
Find, explore, reminisce, and feel
the urgent currents upon the keel.
The rolling waves and valleys low
Pay no mind to the plowing bow
Except the wake that evermore
Laps outward from the rudder's score
The hull rides up, then slaps the trough
The jib is flapping, each gust rides off
To push and flow, to guide and lead
The wind piles up, mainsail to feed.
The salty air and pulsing spray
The breeze that cools a summer day
Speed and fly, then come about
To rocking, calming, peaceful route.
Wind-sculpted relief of frozen lore,
And mists upon a frigid shore
The icy fields, the broken slate
Can't make the traveler's will abate
Let's sail away, let's find adventure.
Let's go to where, none else dare venture.
Let's go to where there's sea and sky,
And green meets blue where low meets high.